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Les Carolins camp site at Saint-Lô d'Ourville

Covering a large area, the Saint-Lô d’Ourville commune borders the coast and offers a beautiful beach of fine sand. Les Carolins camp site is located close to this beach, on a dune field ideal for rambling and exploring.

The GR 223 trail, which runs along the Lindbergh beach, takes you to Portbail via the river footbridge. This footbridge crosses the "Ollonde" river, which creates the Portbail "Havre", a small estuary where fresh water and sea water combine and where plants specific to this environment can be found: saltwort, sea-lavender and obione.

Saint-Lô d'Ourville has a charming little church whose bell tower and saddleback roof date back to the 15th century. Inside, you will be able to admire the organs, the retable, the stained-glass windows and the baptismal fonts dating back to the Middle Ages.

The "greenway" crossing the village of Saint-Lô d’Ourville will take you either to Portbail, La Haye du Puits or Bricquebec.

Near the village, you will be able to see the Manoir du Parc, the Manoir de la Tourelle with its 15th century tower and the old Ourville mill driven by the Ollonde river.


Very close to Saint-Lô d'Ourville, Portbail is a charming little town located on the estuary with a pretty port. In addition to all the amenities, it has two magnificent churches, Notre Dame and Saint Martin, a bridge with its 13 arches, and a very rare Gallo-Roman baptistery which probably dates back to the 6th century.

Stroll around or do your shopping in this little town, which is very lively in summer. Don't miss the Tuesday morning market!


Apart from the interesting local heritage such as Canville La Roque church, the former Omonville church and the Denneville craft pottery, beautiful sites such as the Barneville-Carteret sea resort, Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte castle, Fierville les Mines mill as well as the town of Bricquebec with its fine castle can be found close by.

You still have to discover the magnificent natural environment of the Cotentin region, with its dune fields, wild coastline, the Chemin des Douaniers and further inland the Marais du Cotentin regional nature park.


And farther away...

40 km away you can visit Cherbourg and its Cité de la Mer (www.citedelamer.com), Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and Tatihou (www.manche.fr/tatihou), the Nez de Jobourg and its caves, the D-Day landing beaches and Sainte-Mère-Eglise.

To the south you can visit Coutances and its cathedral, Lessay and its abbey, Pirou castle, the lime kilns at Regnéville sur Mer and of course Mont-Saint-Michel (www.ot-montsaintmichel.com).

And finally, why not take advantage of your stay and embark from Carteret or Diélette for the Channel Islands Jersey or Guernsey? For more details or to buy tickets, go to Port-Bail tourist office.

Apart from fishing on foot and pétanque, you can indulge in sailing, canoeing, or take a horseback ride along the beach and enjoy the many summer festivals organised by the communes or join in with the activities proposed by your favourite camp site!

beaches, hikes in nature
the normandy peninsula heritage